The back pain does not pass. Because the back pain

Almost all of them have met with back pain. It is extremely rare to find someone who has never dealt with this problem. To a greater or lesser extent, this is a problem for millions of people, and for some it becomes a real problem. Often the pain occurs in the lower part of the back. All this depends on the fact that the lumbar vertebrae take the maximum loading weight of the whole body.What to do if the back pain ?


What measures to adopt, if the back pain?

Sometimes for the birth of the discomfort of back pain is not enough some time to stay in an uncomfortable position. But this is only the consequence of a long stay in an uncomfortable position. Severe pain in the lumbar region, almost always depend on specific factors, and is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

Without the right treatment can lead to serious complications, up to what you can get on an operating table. The doctor must diagnose the cause of the onset of pain, after that it is necessary to start the treatment.

If you experience the following symptoms, go immediately on the appointment from a neurologist:

  • 2-3 days in a row feels acute chronic back pain;
  • more than 2 weeks without improvement suffer from chronic pain;
  • for no apparent reason suddenly occurs in the back pain;
  • you feel pain in the chest, in breathing, accompanied by nausea and stomach cramps and high fever;
  • after the accident it appeared the pain;
  • the feeling of pain respond in the lower leg, knee, foot.

The causes of the onset of back pain may be:

  • the work associated with stress, great physical exertion, to drive a car, a computer;
  • excessive loads in the workout;
  • sedentary or courses of work;
  • the excess of weight.

What not to do when the back pain?

The pain is difficult to heal, but if you suffer from back pain, stop to do a couple of things:

  1. Do not lift heavy objects. If your work or exercise is associated with weight lifting, try to give up on this for a while. Let your back relax a little. Do not allow yourself to lift something heavier than 2 kg.
  2. Do not forget to sport. Lifting weights is not necessary, but some physical exercises. If you don't mind severe pain, do light jogging or intense walking.
  3. Do not forget the posture in the workplace. The main problem for the health of the back is the posture you take when you're sitting. Many are constantly in the quarry. If your job involves sitting, keep your back straight and your feet put both feet flat on the floor. The monitor should not be above your eyes. You may want to look a little bit from top to bottom.
  4. Don't worry about the diagnosis. It happens that the diagnosis of back pain is not exactly to put. Do not worry too much for the cause of the pain, of course, if it becomes unbearable. Instead, try to move more often, knead, and try to strengthen the muscles of the back.
the spine

The prevention of back pain

  • this warm up and rise, if for a long time you are at the computer;
  • if you must stand a long time, leaning against the wall;
  • wear a backpack, the severity of distribute evenly to both hands;
  • when you lift something heavy, bend at the knees;
  • avoid sudden movements;
  • every day do exercises of twisting and sipping, the slopes and curves of the body;
  • try to keep the back always straight, keep track of posture;
  • remove the pillow, to sleep on a special orthopedic mattress.

There is no need to sit and wait for the pain will pass by itself. If that does not help and the pain does not pass, consult a doctor immediately. You will tell, how to get rid of pain and it will also offer multiple ways to fight with her.

Treatment of acute pain in the back

Probably every person in life has had to deal with the back pain. Sudden attack of acute pain is uncomfortable, agonizing and painful feelings, forcing the person to suffer.

And the question arises: back pain what to do?

In an unpleasant situation, you need as soon as possible, identify the causes of the onset of pain and immediately proceed to their elimination. Before starting treatment – see a medical specialist. Often, to get rid of the pain and maintain the health of the spine using a special program of physical exercise.

After reading our article, you will learn what you need to do if acute or "pull" the pain, when it is necessary to seek help from a doctor, familiar with effective exercises to restore the health of the back.

The causes of acute pain in the spine

The main cause of back pain are chronic disorders and degenerative processes in the case of illness.

  • poor posture, a "curve" of the spine;
  • weak abdominal muscles;
  • diseases of the various organs, pyelonephritis, low back pain, sciatica, faceted syndrome.

But, more than the chronic state, the back pain may appear because of other circumstances. Often, a twinge of pain can also be called sudden movement or a jerk. The muscles are damaged, and the ligaments and disk trying to protect the spine from negative influences, are in strong tension, and then abruptly relax. So mechanical failure of destabilizing the entire system and any small load, for example a normal inclination to walk bags, could be the last straw and cause spasm of the muscles, ligaments and discs.


Other causes of pain:

  • lifting weights;
  • large physical load on the spine.

What to do in case of acute pain in the back

If this problem occurs, in the first place, to stop any movement and lay on a flat surface, as in the supine position with the muscles of the spine, the load is removed and the pressure decreases. This promotes relaxation of the body and pain reduction. It's not worth to worry and panic – the problem is solved. If you are lying on your back, and the pain does not pass, try to change position, lie down on your side; find a position that does not feel pain.

In such situations it is necessary to consult a doctor?

You are in an accident, he is suddenly limbs numb, you have fallen and have damaged

spine – immediately call for an ambulance!

In the case of the occurrence of the following symptoms it is also worthwhile to call your doctor as soon as possible:

  • the back pain does not pass, even if you change the position of;
  • appeared weakness in the legs, it has become difficult to the urination and the evacuation of the intestine;
  • a sharp pain in the left side of the trunk.

Presented an emergency situation requiring the help of doctors. In addition, to prevent the onset of pain, you should consult a specialist should be in these situations:

  • lately, they tire quickly;
  • the period of the menopause in women;
  • comply with a strict diet;
  • you are a vegetarian;
  • you have more than 60 years.

Acute pain in the back treatment

Your attention a series of exercises to eliminate back pain. As well as the causes of their occurrence, each one is different, you should try all the positions and the exercises to find the ones that are able to help. Perform the exercises on the hard mattress or gym mat.

Elimination of pain – on the first day.

In the case of amplification of pain during execution of any of the presented exercises, stop immediately, otherwise it will only aggravate the problem.

Each exercise should be performed in a number of approaches to 3 times, increasing each day the number of repetitions up to a maximum of 10 times.

The exercises will prevent stiffness of the muscles of the back, reduce the likelihood of the onset of back problems in the future and ensure muscle tone.

The initial position – lying down, almost standing up on his elbows. Gradually lower your torso towards the bottom, and then seamlessly return to the starting position.


Lie on the same surface, lift the legs and bend the knees. Maintain this position till a count of 10, and then, without solution of continuity is to immerse the feet on the floor.

Starting position standing with your feet at shoulder width. To abstract away from the thigh in one direction, and tilt the torso in the opposite direction. Repeat 3 times.

Starting position – similar to the previous year. Do the backward movement, seeking to unite the blades, with a little lift of the chin. Return to the starting position. Repeat up to 3 times.

Acute back pain active treatment with the help represented by a complex of physical exercises will last for two days. Then you should return to a normal life without pain in the area of the spine. If the pain does not have gone – to see your doctor.

To ensure the functioning of the spine without pain

To maintain muscle tone and to ensure the health of the spinal column, keep in mind the following recommendations:

  • continue to perform the exercises, every day do the charging;
  • follow posture;
  • take a stroll in the open air;
  • to continue an intimate relationship. Sexual activity promotes flexibility and relaxation of the spine.
  • do not lift weights.

Monitor your state of health, maintain muscle tone. Remember that a healthy back is essential to the overall health of a person. To do sports, to follow the profits of the financial year, thus maintaining the mobility and the work of the spinal column without diseases and without acute pains in the old age.